Bonfire Comes Back in Town

UllrFest 2012 is new and improved.

Tomorrow, Thursday, is the parade and following it will be the return of the bonfire. For many years, safety concerns prevented the town from having the big outdoor fire that had been a fixture of the fest. But this year, the fire is back in Ullr. After the Ullr floats parade from north to south down Main Street they will circle back to the start and over to the Gondola parking lot where the bonfire will be lit.  The exact location is the southeast corner of this lot, or directly behind Breckenridge Town Hall.

For those who remember the old days, there will be no throwing of skis into the bonfire! We're green now. Skis, and many other things that were historically thrown into the fire, do not burn cleanly.

New to the 2012 event, was a coronation party held Monday at Main Street Station. Jan and Eric Degeberg are the reigning King and Queen of Ullr. 

Ullympics were held for the first time on the Riverwalk Lawn, Tuesday evening. With the use of outdoor heaters and having the Riverwalk open as a big warming hut, this event drew a full roster of competing teams and an enthusiastic audience.

Tonight, the Dating Game returns in old-school fashion to Cecilia's beginning at 8 p.m.  Friday night, Phil Palisoul and Eugene Kenny will be performing stand-up comedy at Beaver Run Resort. Tickets at $35 at the door.


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